Social networks and children: what you should know

Guest post: Hilary Bird is a digital journalist who writes about the things that fascinate her most: relationships, technology and how they impact each other. As more and more people become more and more dependent on their technology devices, Hilary wants to help them stay safe and understand how these devices will change the way we communicate.

Image result for social applications.

According to new research by the Pew Research Center, 95% of teens say they have access to a Smartphone and 45% say they are online "almost constantly". With increasingly easy access to social networks through smart devices, and an hour the value of social network data will be within reach in less than two seconds as Internet speeds increase: parents and Teachers should stay informed and know what social media platforms are available for teens and how children use them.
Read on to learn about four of the most popular social applications among teens and how parents and educators can be proactive in teaching children to be responsible and respectful on social media.


According to Pew's previous survey, Instagram is the second most popular social platform for teenagers. Combine photos / videos, I like and comments. Accounts can be public or private, and users can send direct private messages.
Caregivers and educators should be aware that some public accounts may contain inappropriate images, although the terms of the platform minimize offensive content. They should also consider how the "like" feature on Instagram can become a comparison tool for teens and a way to measure popularity or self-esteem.

Instant chat

Snap Chat is a messaging application that allows users to post images or videos that disappear after an assigned time. And while most teenagers use fast chat to send funny images, the nature of the application makes it easy for users to send or view inappropriate content.
Snap Chat has recently been under scrutiny for inappropriate ads and more than 18 channels. But with an adequate understanding of the platform's privacy settings (and a conversation about what should not be published in the application), responsible teens can use this platform safely.


Twitter allows users to post messages of 280 characters known as "tweets". Teenagers mainly use Twitter to express opinions, share short snippets and keep up with celebrities and other prominent figures. The platform makes it easy to commit and participate.
While profiles can be private, most accounts are public. The tweets appear immediately once they are published, so this platform requires a discussion about the publication of appropriate content.


While Facebook seems to be more popular among adults, it remains one of the most popular social platforms for teenagers. Sometimes it is known as the "one stop shop" for social networks. Users can share photos and videos, create photo albums, post thoughts or opinions, and more.
Because this application is network-based, cyber bullying can be a real concern here, so keep the lines of communication open and talk to children who appear to be at risk.
What parents and educators can do
If used appropriately and in moderation, social media can be a positive way to share content and stay connected. However, it can also be a great waste of time: children can waste hours traveling through the fountains. Social media can also be a means to the aforementioned problems, such as cyber bullying, self-esteem problems and exposure to inappropriate content.
Parents and teachers should have frequent conversations with children about the ramifications of what has been published. Social networks should be used as a platform for sharing edifying content, not as a place for harmful material.
As necessary, monitor the frequency with which children use social media, observe how it affects them and be attentive to the content they publish. If you notice that inappropriate or raw content is being published, take appropriate measures to stop the publication or viewing of the content. said material. Also consider implementing appropriate security measures, such as installing security software and maintaining secure networks.


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