How do Google ads work + tips to make money with them?

Ad words. Google ads. Display Network Search network Ad Sense
Make sense? Probably not. These terms are not so distinguishable and they all sound as if they are united. But they are the important part of seo services.
And they do it in a certain way, but that's not helpful in answering the question that they often ask us "How do Google ads work?"
You have probably heard all these terms before. You may have already read one or two articles. You may even have tried to start your own Google Ads campaign.
But you're still asking yourself "How do Google ads work?"
Do not blame yourself if you still do not "understand" it. It is a confusing subject. That's because Google is so big and has many different ways to make money.
But you are determined to solve everything. You've heard the success stories.
Like the fact that in 2013, 1.5 million businesses generated $ 111 billion in revenue from Google's advertising tools!
Google ads work. All you need is for someone to explain to you in plain English how all the pieces fit together.
All the terms that I mentioned in the first sentence come together for a vision:
To make money from Google.
To make the associated companies and publishers of money websites.
Provide Internet users with the best possible online experience.
How do Google ads work for you?
So, can Google ads work for your company?

Google advertising program

Most likely, the answer is yes. Google has designed its advertising platform so that high quality advertisers of any type of business can achieve a positive ROI.
High quality advertising is important for Google, and that's because Google's top priority is providing a good experience for its billions of users.
Because at the end of the day, it is the user experience that makes or breaks Google and its reputation. Google knows it.
But with that said, Google gets most of its money from advertisers. This is because many people use Google, so advertisers flock to it. No wonder like that.
Therefore, Google must find a balance between making money selling advertising space without damaging the experience of its users.
And that's where you come in, the intrepid owner of the company. You want to design your ad to provide the best possible experience to Google users, for the benefit of Google and for you. We will explain how that works in the rest of the article.
When you finish reading this article, you will have a complete answer to the question "How do Google ads work?"
And you will go armed with some tips to make money!
Let us begin.

How Google ads work, exactly?

"What if I told you that billions of auctions were happening every day? But not the kind of auctions where people stand up and shout their offers to a man on a stage. No, these auctions are invisible and they happen automatically, behind the scenes. And yet, huge sums of money in millions flow constantly in thousands of different directions. "
Yes. These are Google auctions. The online advertising space is being auctioned and sold by Google.

Welcome to the 21st century!

Now going back to Google Ads...
Google Ad, formerly known as Google Ad Words, is online ads that are based in part on keywords. Keywords are search words that relate to the products or services of a company.
Hence the name Google Ad Words = Ad Words.
Keywords / words are an important part of the equation, both in terms of how ads are presented and how much advertisers cost.
So let's go into some details. What does this all mean?

What are Google ads?

How Google ads work Google ads is the Google platform for businesses / advertisers. Here advertisers can place offers in the ad space of their ads.

Google ads can appear in the following places:

The results pages of the Google search engine (SERP) or in specific websites and applications related to Google search. This is called the "Google search network."
Applications and websites of third parties throughout the Internet. This is called the "Google Display Network" of the websites.
Any website that has opted for the Google Ad Sense program.


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